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Paper Company Performance

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Using Tableau, I was able to demonstrate and answers questions like:

- The Central region is dominating sales with 57% of sales during this time period
- Sales performance started out as unstable, but the last 4 months have seen a steady increase in sales
- 5 salespeople are below the median sales rep performance for this period
- 2 salespeople are significantly low in terms of sales
- Binders and Pen Sets have sold the most over this time period
- Desks and Binders have the highest selling prices
- Desks have the highest selling price, but the lowest sales

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Anomaly Detection

February 21st, 2022

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  • Anomaly Detection with ARIMA model Anomaly Detection means to identify unexpected events in a process. It means to detect threats to our systems that may cause harm in terms of security and leakage of important information.

  • The importance of Anomaly Detection is not limited to security, but it is used for detection of any event that does not conform to our expectations. Here I will explain to you how we can use ARIMA model for Anomaly Detection.

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Forest Cover Type Prediction

January 27th, 2022

  • Using the provided dataset, accurately predict the predominant type of tree cover

  •  Using Python libraries and modules, clean data and prepare for modeling and visualizations

  • Creates visualized models to emphasize the data into an easier method of understanding

  • With the refined data and various algorithms, make predictions and compare accuracies


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Biodiversity in National Parks

In this project, I chose to take data of national parks and make correlations of species vs conservation status using data visualizations

December 3rd, 2021


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